第 161 课:希腊债务危机- 5

And both had to pay far higher rates than Germany, the safest investment in the euro area. 并且,与欧元区最安全的投资国----德国相比,两国必须支付更高的利率。

The euro is eleven years old and used as the currency of sixteen countries. 欧元已经走过了11年的历程,作为16个国家的流通货币。

But less trust in the euro has reduced its value to the lowest levels in over a year. 但对欧元的不信任,使得在过去的一年中,其价值降到了最低。

Sebastien Galy says growth expectations for the euro area have dropped. Sebastien Galy表示,对欧元区经济增长的预期有所下降。

This has affected producers of raw materials such as Australia, Brazil and Canada. 这影响了包括澳大利亚、巴西和加拿大在内的原材料制造国。