第 163 课:过早死亡-3

But he points to growing inequalities in adult mortality -- a "massive spread" between countries with the highest rates and those with the lowest. 但他认为,高死亡率和低死亡率国家之间日益增长的不均衡性有扩张和蔓延之势。

For example, for men in Swaziland, the difference between the best rate and the worst rate is nine times higher. 例如,斯威士兰的男性,其最高死亡率和最低死亡率之间的差异高达9倍。

The study did find improvements in sub-Saharan Africa in the last five years, however, possibly as a result of expanded efforts against AIDS. 然而,该研究显示,在过去5年中,撒哈拉以南非洲有了一定的改善, 事实上,在抗击艾滋病方面付出了更大的努力。

But in the last twenty years, H.I.V. and the collapse of the Soviet Union helped raise death rates in thirty-seven countries worldwide. 但在过去的20年中,由于艾滋病病毒和苏联解体,全球37个国家的死亡率攀升。

Also, the study says the United States fell from thirty-fourth to forty-ninth in female mortality and from forty-first to forty-fifth for men. 研究还表明,美国女性死亡率排名从第34位下降到第49位,而男性死亡率则从第41位下降到第45位。

Those estimates put the country behind western Europe as well as countries like Albania, Chile and Tunisia. 这些评估数据使得美国落后于西欧国家,与阿尔巴尼亚、智利和突尼斯相类似。