第 164 课:墨西哥湾-2

BP is trying different ways to stop the leak from a damaged undersea well and control the spilled oil. 英国石油公司试图采取各种方式阻止从损毁的深海钻井处的原油泄漏,并控制住已泄漏出的原油。

The chief of British Petroleum blames failures by the rig's operator, Transocean of Switzerland. 英国石油公司董事长将此次事件归咎于设备的操作方,瑞士越洋公司。

But BP says it will pay cleanup costs and all "legitimate claims" for losses and damages from the spill. 但BP表示,将会支付污染清理费用和一切由于泄漏事件产生的法律上的损害赔偿请求。

BP is also hiring local fishing boats to help with the cleanup. BP还雇佣了当地的渔船协助进行清理工作。

Eighty percent of the seafood eaten by Americans is imported. 美国人所食用的80%的海产品依靠进口。