第 164 课:墨西哥湾-3

But the fishing industry in Louisiana is responsible for about a third of all seafood caught in the United States. 但路易斯安那州的渔业占到了美国本土产量的1/3。

The fishing ban announced Sunday did not affect state waters west of the Mississippi River. 周日发布的禁捕令并不影响密西西比河以西的区域。

Those waters represent seventy-seven percent of Louisiana's total seafood production. 而那一区域占到了路易斯安那州海产品总量的77%。

Ewell Smith from the Louisiana Seafood Promotion and Marketing Board says seafood from the unaffected area is safe to eat. 路易斯安那州海产品推广和市场委员会的Ewell Smith表示,未受污染的区域,其海产品可以安全食用。

Seafood is worth nearly two and a half billion dollars to the state. 海产品为路易斯安那州到来了近25亿美元的收入。