第 164 课:墨西哥湾-4

The spill comes shortly before the start of the fishing season for crab, shrimp and oysters. 该原油泄漏事件稍早于蟹、虾和牡蛎的捕捞季。

Louisiana is the nation's leading producer of shrimp, oysters, crabs, crawfish and alligators. 而路易斯安那州是全美虾、牡蛎、蟹、小龙虾和短吻鳄的主产区。

Louisiana is also one of the world's largest producers of what some call "the most important fish you've never heard of": menhaden. 路易斯安那州还是,被称为“你闻所未闻的最重要的鱼类”----鲱鱼,最大的产区。

Menhaden and its oil are used in animal feed and other products. 鲱鱼以及其脂肪被用作动物饲料和其他产品。

Another important industry along the gulf is tourism. 墨西哥湾另一重要的产业便是旅游业。