第 165 课:电子医疗服务-4

And it is launching a mobile phone program to gather records on condom sales around Tanzania. 并且还开始了一个移动电话程序以收集坦桑尼亚各地的避孕套销售记录。

The journal Health Affairs recently published an issue on "E-Health in the Developing World." 健康事务杂志最近出版了一篇关于“发展中国家的电子医疗”的文章。

Editor Susan Dentzer says e-health is improving lives in different ways. 编辑Susan Dentzer说电子医疗正在从多个方面改善生活质量。

In South Africa, a campaign of text messages about H.I.V. led to a large increase in calls to the national AIDS helpline. 在南非,关于艾滋病毒的文本信息活动在拨打国家救援热线上引起了一个巨大增长。

And a program in Peru sends text messages to patients with H.I.V., reminding them to take their medicines. 并且在秘鲁也有这样一个计划,发送信息给艾滋病毒携带者,提醒他们吃药。