第 166 课:金融运作-2

Senator Claire McCaskill described synthetic C.D.O.s during a Senate subcommittee hearing. 参议员Claire McCaskill在参议院小组委员意见听取会期间这样描述到合成抵押债务契约。

The purpose of language is to communicate information. But it can often hide meaning. 语言的目的是传达信息。但是语言的意思也会经常被隐藏起来。

Have you ever agreed to the "terms of use" for a service without reading it all? 你同意‘术语的使用'只是一种不全面的服务吗?

Annetta Cheek heads the Center for Plain Language in Silver Spring, Maryland. Annetta Cheek是马里兰州银泉的简易语言中心的首长。

Her non-profit group has been working for more understandable language in government and business since two thousand four. 他的这个非盈利的组织从2004年开始一直工作于使得政府和商业上的语言更易理解。