第 168 课:转基因农作物-2

But the amount of cropland planted with the crops rose by an estimated seven percent worldwide. 但全球的转基因农作物耕地总量估计增长了 7% 。

The National Research Council, part of the National Academies in Washington, recently published a study. 位于华盛顿美国国家科学院的全国研究理事会近期发布了一项研究报告。

The study examined how genetically engineered crops have affected farming in the United States. 该研究检测转基因农作物对美国的农业产生了怎样的影响。

It found that many farmers have better harvests, better weed control and fewer losses from insect damage compared to traditional crops. 结果显示,与传统农作物相比,许多农民获得了更好的收成、能更好的对杂草进行控制、并且受到病虫害的损失更小。

LaReesa Wolfenbarger is a University of Nebraska biology professor and a member of the committee that wrote the report. LaReesa Wolfenbarger 是内布拉斯加大学的生物学教授,也是撰写该项研究的理事会成员。