第 170 课:淘金热-2

Throughout the territory - in the mountains, along the streams and rivers - thousands of people searched for gold. 遍及这整个区域,数千的人在这山间,沿着小溪河流不断的寻找着金子。

They had food to eat and blankets to cover them. 他们自备了食物毯子,用来预寒和充饥。

They also had mules to ride, and picks and pans to search for gold 他们也有骡子可以用来骑和为寻找金子而挑选的淘金平底锅。

Some found areas of mountain rock thick with gold. These men got rich. 有些发现金子的山脉区域的岩石上有厚厚的金子。这些人因此而变的富有起来。

But such areas were few and quickly claimed by the first men to find them. 但是这样的区域是很少的,而且很快就被第一个发现金子的人给拿走了。