第 170 课:淘金热-3

Others searched for gold in the rivers coming down the mountains. 有些人则在矿石下游的河流淘金。

They were after pieces of gold that the rains had washed down from above. 他们淘得了从矿山上被雨水冲刷下来的碎金子。

The only way to find this gold was by panning. 能找到金子的唯一方法就是用锅子淘洗。

First a gold miner put dirt in a metal pan and added water. 最初的时候,一名黄金矿工把泥土放在一个金属的锅里,并且往里面加上水。

Then he shook the pan so that the water would wash the dirt. 再摇动锅子以便水将泥土洗净。