第 170 课:淘金热-7

Sometimes, critics may pan a movie or play so severely that no one will go to see it. 有时候,评论家可能会非常严厉的去批判一部不会有人去看的电影或戏剧.

There are times, however, when a play became highly successful, even though most of the critics panned it without mercy. 也会有这样的时候,即使大多数的评论家都毫不留情的去批判了它,但这部戏剧还是获得巨大成功.

The pans should have washed out the play. 而这些评论本该毁掉戏剧.

But, as actors have pointed out, sometimes a critic's pan turns up gold. 但是当某个演员引起舆论,或许批判家的批评反倒成了‘金子'