第 171 课:冰岛火山-2

But that does not include costs like the tons of flowers that growers in Kenya and Israel had to destroy. 但这一数字并不包括产于肯尼亚和以色列的数吨待销毁的花卉。

Or all the fruits and vegetables that could also not be flown to Europe. 以及无法运抵欧洲的水果和蔬菜的损失。

Other businesses that depend on air travel, including hotels and vacation places, also suffered. 其他依赖于空中交通的行业,包括酒店和旅游景点,也遭受到了损失。

The crisis affected airports from Washington to Pakistan. 此次危机影响了从华盛顿到巴基斯坦的机场。

The crisis came just as Europe is trying to recover from its worst recession in generations. 此次危机恰逢欧洲试图从最为严重的经济衰退中恢复的时期。