第 171 课:冰岛火山-3

Greece -- a popular travel place -- continues to face a debt crisis that has sharply raised its borrowing costs. 希腊 ---- 作为广受欢迎的旅游胜地 ---- 持续的债务危机使其借贷成本陡升。

The United States halted air travel for three days after the terrorist attacks in two thousand one. 美国于 2001 年遭受恐怖袭击之后,空中交通被暂停了 3 天时间。

The travel ban this past week lasted twice as long in some European countries. 而刚刚过去的一周,欧洲一些国家航空禁令的持续时间则是上次的两倍。

Critics accused European air transport officials of being slow to react, then overreacting to the possible risk to airplanes. 批评人士指责欧洲空中交通官员反应太慢,而随后又对飞机可能的风险反应过度。

And there could be more delays as the Eyjafjallajokull volcano continues to release ash. 并且埃亚菲亚德拉冰盖火山继续喷射火山灰,会有更多的航班延误。