Examples included being made fun of, pushed, spit on, threatened or excluded from activities. 这些欺凌行为包括嘲笑、推搡、吐唾沫、被威胁或者被排除出活动。
Some students had their property damaged. 一些学生的财产遭到损害。
About four percent reported being the victims of cyberbullying. The study took place in two thousand seven. 报道称有 4% 的学生成为网络欺凌的受害者。该研究发生于 2007 年。
Susan Swearer is a psychologist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and co-director of the Bullying Research Network. Susan Swearer 是内布拉斯加州 - 林肯大学的心理学家,也是反欺凌研究网的联合董事。
She says schools should treat bullying as a mental health problem to get bullies and victims the help they need. 她表示,学校应将欺凌视为心理健康问题,对欺凌者和被欺凌者提供他们需要的帮助。
She says bullying is connected to depression, anxiety and anti-social behavior, and bullies are often victims themselves. 她表示,欺凌与沮丧、焦虑以及反社会行为密切相关,而欺凌者通常也是曾被欺凌的受害者。