第 173 课:mayday-2

The pilot gets on his radio and calls "mayday, mayday, mayday" to tell that his plane is in danger of crashing to the ground. 飞行员接通其无线电喊道“ mayday, mayday, mayday”( 救命,救命,救命 ) ,以此告知大家他的飞机处于坠毁到地面的危险。

Mayday has nothing to do with the month of May. Mayday 跟五月没有什么关系。

It comes from the French expressions "venez m'aider," or "m'aidez," which mean "help me." 它源于 "venez m'aider," 或者 "m'aidez," 这一法语表达,其意思是“帮我”。

Frederick Stanley Mockford created the mayday call signal in the nineteen twenties. Frederick Stanley Mockford 于 20 世纪 20 年代创造了“紧急呼救”信号。

Mockford was a radio officer at Croydon Airport in London .Mockford 是伦敦克洛伊机场的无线电报务员。