第 173 课:mayday-3

He was asked to think of a word that could be used in an emergency. 他被邀请想出一个能在紧急情况下使用的单词。

The word had to be easily understood by all pilots and airport workers. 这个单词必须很容易地被所有飞行员和机场工作人员理解。

Much of the air traffic at that time was between Croydon Airport and Le Bourget Airport near Paris , France . 当时,多数航空交通位于法国巴黎附近的勒罗伊机场和布尔歇机场。

So he proposed the word mayday. 因此,他提议使用 Mayday 这个单词。

Today, many groups use the word to mean a life-threatening emergency. 今天,许多团体使用这个词来指一种危及生命的紧急情况。