第 175 课-1

Hospitals not only treat infections -- they can also cause them. 医院不仅能治疗感染 — 还会引发感染。

In the United States alone, the number of infections in hospitals is estimated at close to two million each year. 仅在美国,每年医院感染的数量估计达到了近 200 万。

About one hundred thousand patients die. 其中约 10 万病人死亡。

A new government report notes that very little progress has been made in reducing what are called health care-associated infections. 一份来自政府的最新报告显示,在降低所谓的医疗相关感染方面毫无进展。

The most common are infections of the urinary tract, surgical site and bloodstream. 最常见的感染包括尿路感染、手术伤口感染和血液感染。