第 175 课:引发感染-2

Many infections have been increasing even as hospitals have made efforts to improve. 即使医院努力提升(感染防控),许多感染的发生依然呈上升趋势。

The report shows, for example, an eight percent increase in cases of sepsis, or bloodstream infection, following operations. 例如,有报道显示,在术后败血症或血液感染的病例上升了 8% 。

About forty percent of all health care-associated infections are linked to the use of catheters. 约有 40% 的医疗相关感染与导尿管使用有关。

A tube is placed inside the body to collect urine, so the patient does not have to get out of bed. 导管插入体内收集尿液,病人就无需下床。

But the latest report says urinary tract infections after surgery increased more than three and a half percent. 但有最新报告表明,术后尿路感染的几率高出了 3.5% 以上。