Kathleen Sebelius is secretary of health and human services. Kathleen Sebelius 是卫生与公共服务部的负责人。
Her department produced the two thousand nine National Healthcare Disparities Report and National Healthcare Quality Report. 她的部门制作了 2009 年国家医疗保健差异性报告和国家医疗保健质量报告。
She noted that racial and ethnic minorities were less likely to have insurance and less likely to get the treatments they needed. 她表示,少数民族和种族获得医疗保险的可能性更小,获得所需的治疗的可能性也更小。
She called the numbers "troubling." 她说,这些数字非常 “ 令人不安 ” 。
But she also said the health care reforms passed by Congress will improve the quality of care for all Americans. 但是她还表示,国会通过的医改法案将改善所有美国人的医疗保健质量。
She said the new law will reward quality over quantity of care, creating a system that prevents diseases before more costly treatment is required. 她说,新法将更注重医疗质量而非数量,还将创建一个疾病预防体系以避免不必要的昂贵医疗。