第 176 课:保护核原料-3

The new agreement replaces the nineteen ninety-one Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, known as START-One. 新协议代替了 1991 年战略武器削减条约,称为 Start1。

The United States Senate and Russia 's parliament must both approve the agreement for it to take effect . 美国参议院和俄罗斯国会必需全部通过,该协议才能生效。

One country that did not attend the Nuclear Security Summit was Iran . 伊朗是唯一一个没有参加核安全峰会的国家。

Discussions about Iran's nuclear activities have intensified among the five permanent United Nations Security Council members and Germany .关于伊朗核武器活动在 5 个常任联合国的讨论一直很激烈。

U.N. ambassadors from the five Council members and Germany met two times this week in New York . 核理事会成员,德国、联合国、 5 个理事会成员的代表和德国本周在华盛顿进行了会面两次。