第 176 课:保护核原料-5

But another military official said Iran would still need three to five more years to create such a weapon. 但是其它情报官员说伊朗还需要 3-5 年多的时间才能生产出。

Iran is holding its own nuclear conference in Tehran this Saturday and Sunday. 本周六日,伊朗在德黑兰招开了自己的核会议。

The Iranian government says its nuclear program is for peaceful, civilian purposes only. 伊朗政府表示该核计划旨在和平地,民用为目标的。

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told Iranian television that Iran is seeking cooperation and negotiation with world powers. 总统 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 接受伊朗电视台采访时说伊朗正在寻求和国际势力的合作和谈判。

But he also said his country was willing to deal with a plan that protects Iran 's rights, includes its independence and leaves out the nuclear issue. 但是他也表示伊朗愿意处理保护国家权力的计划,包括国家的独立和忽略核问题。