第 177 课:康拉德谢尔顿-2

The prize includes one and a half million dollars. 该奖项的奖金数额为150万美元。

Aravind Eye Care System is being recognized for its work with millions of people in India. 亚拉文眼科医疗集团在印度被人熟知,是因其为数百万人服务。

Retired eye surgeon Govindappa Venkataswamy established the organization in nineteen seventy-six. 已退休的眼科医生Govindappa Venkataswamy于1976建立了这一组织。

He wanted to make high quality eye care available to all, especially India's poor. 他期望提供面向所有人的高质量的眼科治疗,尤其是印度的贫困人群。

He wanted to prevent needless cases of blindness. 他期望避免不必要的失明病例。