Support from the SightFirst program of Lions Club International financed the Lions Aravind Institute of Community Ophthalmology. 来自国际狮子会的第一视觉计划的资金支持,从而创立了亚拉文社区眼科研究所。
Also, the Aravind Medical Research Foundation investigates the causes and treatment of eye disease. 并且,亚拉文医疗研究基金会还探究眼科疾病的病因及治疗方法。
Aravind Eye Care System has been recognized internationally. 亚拉文眼科医疗集团已被世界所熟知。
Its work has been used as a model for establishing similar programs around the world. 其架构被视为在全球建立类似的计划的模型。