第 178 课:教育的费用-1

Today we talk more about the costs of higher education in the United States. 今天,我们进一步讨论美国高等教育的费用问题。

Foreign students who need financial aid generally have to seek it from the school itself or their own government or employer. 国外学生需要经济救助,一般向学校或者其本国政府抑或是雇主主张。

If you follow the news, then you know that President Obama recently signed health care reform legislation. 如果你关注新闻,那么你会知道奥巴马总统近期签署了医疗改革法案。

But one of the two bills he signed into law also made unrelated changes in the federal student loan program. 但他签署的两项法案中的一项还导致了一些无直接关联的改变---联邦学生借贷项目。

These changes will require new loans to come directly from the Department of Education. 这些变化将要求新增借款直接来源于教育部。