第 179 课:个人电脑-1

Market researchers estimate that more than one billion personal computers are in use worldwide. 市场研究人员估记全球有个人电脑 10 亿多台。

Availability has improved in developing countries, but still remains limited compared to industrialized nations. 发展中国家的使用量有所改善,但依然无法与发达国家相比较。

Experts continue to debate how best to close this digital divide. 专家继续讨论该如何合理的完成这一数据的划分。

Nicholas Negroponte established the One Laptop Per Child project in two thousand five. 2005 年, Nicholas Negropote 筹划了一个孩子一台笔记本电脑的项目。

He would like to put a low-cost laptop in the hands of every child, especially those living in extreme poverty. 他希望每个小孩都有一台价格便宜的笔记本电脑,特别是那此生活在极度贫穷地区的孩子。