第 179 课:个人电脑-2

His nonprofit organization has shipped its specially designed laptop to developing countries around the world. 他的非盈利组织为全球发展中国家特别设计的电脑已推出。

But the program has critics. They say trying to supply every child with a laptop, even at the current price of one hundred sixty dollars, is costly and inefficient. 但是有批评家对此有意见。他们说向每个小孩提供一台电脑也是贵重低效的,即使是市价 160 美元。

Stephen Dukker also makes low-cost computers. StephenDukke 同样生产价格便宜的电脑。

But his can run programs and applications for several students at once. 但是他生产的电脑可以马上为好几个学生运行程序和应用软件。

He says these "virtual desktops" lower costs, reduce energy use and lessen the need for technical support. 他说“虚拟桌面”的成本更低,减少能源消耗,技术支持的需求更少。