第 180 课:与灾难抗争-4

Gerald Murray at the University of Florida is an expert on Haiti. Gerald Murray是佛罗里达大学的海地问题专家。

Professor Murray says many rural families have taken in relatives and friends who lost homes and jobs. Murray教授表示,许多农村家庭接纳了失去家庭和工作的亲戚和朋友。

"There may be enough to eat for a while," he says, "but before too long there may be hunger." “他们或许在一段时间内能够吃饱,”他说,“但时间一长他们就会挨饿。”

Farming is about sixty percent of Haiti's economy. But most food comes from imports. 农业占海地经济的60%。但大部分粮食仍来源于进口。

Before the earthquake, the Haitian government and private groups were working to improve agriculture. 在地震之前,海地政府和民间组织正致力于提升农业水平。