第 182 课:昏睡病-2

Then, when the parasite enters the brain, it causes more serious problems. 然后,寄生虫进入大脑后,引起更严重的问题。

People suffer seizures and thinking problems, and they sleep for extended periods. 患者疾病发作,不断地想事情,导致睡眠时间延长。

If the disease is not treated, it almost always kills the victim. 如果这种疾病得不到医治,患者通常都会死亡。

Paul Wyatt at the Drug Discovery for Tropical Diseases program at the University of Dundee led the study. 保罗 . 怀亚特领导这项研究,他在邓迪大学热带疾病药品发现部门工作。

He says the research identified a weakness in the parasite. 他说,通过研究,证实了这种寄生虫存在一个缺陷。