Now, Paul Wyatt says a drug based on the research could be ready for testing in humans within eighteen months. 现在,保罗 . 怀亚特说,待研究之后,药物在 18 个月之内就可以应用在患者身上了。
Currently, medicine for sleeping sickness requires a series of injections that are costly and painful. Hospital stays are also needed. 目前,治疗昏睡病的药需要通过注射完成,价格昂贵,且疼痛难忍,还需要住院治疗。
And the side effects of the treatment can be serious, sometimes even causing death. 而且,治疗的副作用有可能会很严重,甚至致死。
Francois Chappuis is a specialist in neglected tropical diseases with the international group Doctors Without Borders. 弗朗索 . 瓦沙皮伊是国际组织“无国界医生”中“被忽略的热带疾病”方面的专家。
He says a less costly, easy-to-use medicine for sleeping sickness is badly needed. 他说现在昏睡病极需一种低成本,使用简便的药物。