In Europe, it continued to expand, but at a slower rate than earlier. 在欧洲,虽然森林面积持续增长,但与历史相比,其增长速率缓慢。
Eduardo Rojas is assistant director-general of F.A.O.'s Forestry Department. Eduardo Rojas 是联合国粮农组织林业部的助理总干事。
He said for the first time, the rate of deforestation has decreased around the world. 他表示,这是全球森林退化率首次下降。
This is the result of efforts taken at local and international levels. 这是国内和国际层面共同努力的结果。
Mister Rojas said countries have improved their forest policies and legislation. Rojas 先生表示,各国提升了其森林政策和立法。