They have also provided forests for use by local communities and native peoples and for the protection of biological diversity. 他们还提供了一些森林,供当地社区和土著居民使用,同时保护生物多样性。
He said this is a welcome message in two thousand ten - the International Year of Biodiversity. 他说,这对 2010 年为国际生物多样性年来说是一个好消息。
However, Mister Rojas said the rate of deforestation is still very high in many areas. Mister Rojas 表示,然而在许多地区森林退化率依然很高。
He said countries must strengthen their efforts to better protect and manage their forests. 他认为,各国应当更加努力,更好的保护和管理其森林资源。