第 184 课:纯净饮用水-1

The lack of clean drinking water is a major problem worldwide. 纯净饮用水的缺少是一个世界性大难题。

The World Health Organization says more than one billion people live in areas where renewable water resources are not available. 世界卫生组织称超过 10 亿人口居住在可再生水资源缺失的地区。

The problem is especially serious in Asia and the Pacific. 这个问题在亚洲和太平洋地区尤为严重。

A United Nations report says water availability in that area is the second lowest in the world, after Africa. 联合国的一篇报导称,这些地区的水资源可利用性在世界上排名倒数第二,仅强于非洲。

Nearly seven hundred thousand people in Asia and the Pacific lack safe drinking water. 在亚洲和太平洋地区,将近 70 万人口缺少安全的饮用水。