第 184 课:纯净饮用水-2

The U.N. report notes that the world's poorest countries are also the ones that use the most water for agriculture. 联合国的报导记录,世界上最贫穷的国家,同样也是在农业中用水最多的国家。

Agriculture uses about eighty percent of the water in the Asia -Pacific area. 在亚太地区,农业用水高达总水量的 80% 。

There has also been an increase in water used for industry. 另外工业用水量也在增加。

China and India more than tripled their industrial water use between nineteen ninety-two and two thousand two. 1992 年至 2002 年,中国和印度的工业用水量高达三倍。

The lack of clean drinking water around the world forces millions of people to drink unsafe water. 世界范围内的纯净饮用水缺失造成上百万人饮用非安全水源。