第 185 课:海地重建-1

More than fifity countries and organizations have promised to give more five billion dollars to help Haiti rebuild after in earthquake destroyed much of the country in January. 50 多个国家和组织承诺捐助 50 多亿美元以帮助海地重建。今年一月的地震使这一国家大部分被毁。

United nation's secretary general BanKiMon said the amount of money was greater than expected. 联合国秘书长潘基文说这资金的数量比预期的要多。

Mr. Ban, secretary of state, Hilary Clinton and Hashion president, Rene praval, led a conference of donates at the UN Wednesday. 潘基文、美国国务卿希拉里克林顿和海地总统内加西亚普雷瓦尔周三在联合国主持了这一捐助会议。

The secretary general said that nations and their international partners promised five billion three hundred million dollars for the next two years and almost ten billion dollars in total. 秘书长说这些国家和它们的国际合作伙伴承诺今后两年内提供 53 亿美元的资金。总计资金 100 亿美元。