第 185 课:海地重建-2

The united states promised more than one billion dollars. the European union said it would give more than one and one half billion dallors. 美国承诺捐助 10 亿多美元,欧盟称将提供 11.5 亿美元。

Mr Ban urged the donators to carry out their promises. 潘基文呼吁捐助者信守承诺。

He said the donators must make sure Haiti gets the money it needs when it needs it. and they must guarantee that the money is well spent. 他说捐助者们必须保证在海地需要它所要的资金时能够拿到钱。并且他们必须保证资金被妥善使用。

The money will be used to meet emergency needs such as water, food and shelter for homeless people in Haiti. 这些资金将被用于应对救急用途,诸如水、食品和为海地的无家可归者提供避难所。

It will also be used to rebuild Haiti's infrastructure, its important systems and services. 资金还将被用于重建海地的基础设施、重要的系统和服务。