第 188 课:粮食危机-4

Then, when the food crisis hit, the cost of foreign rice shot up. 那么,当粮食危机来袭,进口大米价格飙升。

The researchers say Mali suffered less because it depended less on imported rice, in part because of geography. 研究人员表示,马里受灾轻微是因为更少的依赖进口大米,还有地理条件的原因。

Mali is not a coastal country with ports like Ivory Coast and Gambia. 马里并不像冈比亚和科特迪瓦那样是一个拥有港口的临海国家。

Laurence Becker from Oregon State University says after gaining independence, African nations tried to help farmers. 来自俄勒冈州立大学的 Laurence Becker 表示,非洲国家在获取独立之后就试图开始帮助农民。

Governments provided low-cost seeds and fertilizers. 政府提供低价的种子和肥料。