The name sounds funny but the idea is no joke , a personal toilet called the Peepoo. 一 个 叫做 Peepoo 的私人厕所,名字听起来有点搞笑但想法却不是闹着玩的 。
Anders Wilhelmson is the Swedish inventor of the idea. Anders Wilhelmson 是这一想法的瑞典创造者 。
He wants to give poor people in developing countries a simple way to improve their lives. 他想用一种简便的方法帮助发展中国家的穷 人改善他们的生活状况 。
The toilet is a single-use bag made of environmentally-friendly plastics. 厕所是环保塑料制品制成的一次性使用的袋子。
The inside is treated with urea, a chemical commonly used as fertilizer. 内层涂有尿素一种常用化肥 。