Plagiarism may also be a problem in other countries. 剽窃在其他国家可能也是个问题。
A recent e-mail to us from Iran described an incident in an English class. 一封近期发自伊朗的电子邮件向我们描述了英语课堂上的一件事。
Students were supposed to research tourist places in Iran. 学生们被期望研究伊朗的观光场所。
But one student copied information from a book. 但是一个学生从书上了拷贝了这些信息。
The student changed "China" to "Iran" but forgot to change the names of the places. 这个学生把“中国”换成“伊朗”,但是忘了变换地点名称。
When the teacher asked about his research, he said: "One of the most beautiful tourist places in Iran is Shanghai." 当老师问到他的研究时,他说;“最美丽的观光地之一是上海。“