第 190 课:教育法案的议题-3

Struggling schools could receive money for teacher improvement and for developing plans for success. 参加竞赛的学校可以 获得联邦资助,用于改善师资和制订成功计划 。

The lowest performing schools would face changes such as replacing teachers and the principal or being closed. 表现最差的学校将面临一系列调整,如更换老师,校长或关闭学校。

The administration sent its general ideas to Congress in what it called "A Blueprint for Reform" to develop the next education law. 奥巴马 政府向国会提交的制订下一代教育法 “ 改革蓝图 ” 中阐述了其总体计划。

Ann Bryant is executive director of the National School Boards Association. Ann bryant 是国家学校董事会协会的执行官。

Her group worked with the Department of Education on the plan. She says it is a good start but still needs work. For example: 该 协会将与教育部一起为该计划工作。她说这是一个非常好的开始,但是依然需要做很多的工作。如: