第 191 课:熄灯一个小时-2

For the fourth year, people are being urged to turn off their lights for one hour to call attention to the issue of climate change. 该活动已是第四年举办,要求人们熄灯来唤起对气候变化议题的关注。

The group says climate change is one of the greatest threats facing wildlife and nature. 该组织表示,气候变化是野生生物和自然面临的最大威胁之一。

The first Earth Hour was held in two thousand seven in Sydney, Australia. 首次地球一小时活动于2007年在澳大利亚悉尼举行。

Organizers said more than two thousand businesses and two million people took part. 组织者表示,有超过2000家企业和200万人参与了活动。

Since then, Earth Hour has grown into an international event. 从那时起,地球一小时成为了一项国际盛世。