第 191 课:熄灯一个小时-3

People in more than four thousand cities in eighty-eight countries took part last year. 去年有来自88个国家的超过4000座城市的民众参与了活动。

Organizers say more than one hundred countries and territories have promised their official support this year. 组织者表示,今年获得了有超过100个国家和地区的官方支持。

This will be the first Earth Hour for countries including Kuwait, Qatar, Kosovo, Madagascar, Nepal, Cambodia and Panama. 科威特、卡塔尔、科索沃、马达加斯加、尼泊尔、柬埔寨和巴拿马将是首次参加地球一小时活动的国家。

At least nineteen of the fifty American states are planning to take part in the two thousand ten Earth Hour observance. 美国50个州中,至少有19个州计划参与2010年的地球一小时活动。

The event organizers recently announced that one of the latest states to join was Missouri. 活动组织者近期表示,最近加入活动的有密苏里州。