第 191 课:熄灯一个小时-4

Governor Jay Nixon has agreed to shut off the lights in the dome of the state capitol building. 密苏里州州长Jay Nixon同意将熄灭州议会大厦圆屋顶的灯饰。

He says when it comes to saving energy and money, big changes start with small steps like turning out the lights. 他表示,在节约能源和金钱方面,大的变化始于小的措施,例如熄灭灯光。

Will you be turning off your lights this Saturday night to observe Earth Hour? 本周六晚,你会参与地球一小时活动而进行熄灯吗?

Do you think about what the organizers call your "environmental footprint," and try to reduce harmful effects? 你是否想过组织者所称的你的“环境足迹”,试图减少有害影响?

Is climate change a concern for you? 你担心气候变化吗?