第 192 课:一位艺术家-5

Udofia's work has developed throughout his years in Washington. Udofia的作品在波士顿已经得到了很好的发展。

He says one of his favorite paintings is one of his earliest pieces. 他说他最喜欢的画是他的一幅早期作品。

It is a painting of a child in a village leaning on a large radio. 画的内容是一个小村庄的小孩正在听收音机。

He says it shows how music travels so far and sometimes changes society. 他说它展示了音乐是怎样传播开来及有时候是怎样改变社会的。

The painting expresses the power of music as well as art. 这幅画表达了艺术和音乐有着一样的巨大想象力。