第 195 课:粮食产品运动-3

Sales rose thirty percent at Burpee, a major seller of seeds. 一家大型种子销售商 Burpee 表示,其销量上升了 30%

Shannon Dill is the extension agent for Talbot County, Maryland. Shannon Dill是马里兰 Talbot 郡的扩展代表。

She says the weak economy is not the only reason people are trying to grow their own food to save money. 她表示,低靡的经济状况并不是人们试图自己种食物以节省开支的唯一原因。

Prices for fruits and vegetables at the store are up. 水果和蔬菜的市场价格有所上升。

Shannon Dill finds that growing food at home usually costs less than buying it at stores or restaurants. Shannon Dill 发现,在家里种植食物一般比去商店或餐馆购买更省钱。