第 197 课:公司的言论自由-3

The ruling clears the way for corporations and unions to use their own money to support the election or defeat of a candidate. 这一裁定为公司及工会扫清了道路,可以用自己的资金支持候选人的当选或落选。

However, they are still barred from directly giving money to candidates. 但是,公司及工会仍然禁止直接向候选人提供资金。

And the court did not consider the question of existing laws designed to prevent foreign influence in the political process. 另外,最高法院仍未审议现有法律是否可防止政治程序中国外影响的问题。

Since the nineteen forties, the traditional place for political speech by American unions and companies has been through political action committees. 自 1940 年代以来,美国工会及公司在政治言论中的传统作用是通过政治行动委员会( PAC )而实现。

Now, says Professor Van Alstyne, the decision in Citizens United raises new issues. 目前, Van Alstyne 教授说,在联合公民中的这一裁定提出了新问题。