第 199 课:称呼某人-1

A leatherneck or a grunt do not sound like nice names to call someone. leatherneck或grunt听起来不像是个称呼某人的好名字。

Yet men and women who serve in the United States armed forces are proud of those names. 但在美军服役的男性和女性却以此名字引以为豪。

And if you think they sound strange, consider doughboy and GI Joe. 如果你认为它们听起来奇怪,想想大兵和特种部队这个词。

After the American Civil War in the eighteen sixties, a writer in a publication called Beadle's Monthly used the word doughboy to describe Civil War soldiers. 在美国南北战争后的十八世纪六十年代,Beadle's月刊的一个作家用了doughboy这个词来描述南北战争中的士兵。

But word expert Charles Funk says that early writer could not explain where the name started. 但词语专家 Charles Frunk说那位作家不能说清这个名字是在那里开始使用的。