第 199 课:称呼某人-5

The American soldier was said to be like galvanized iron, a material produced for special strength. 美军士兵被说成是像白铁皮一样,一种具有特殊力量的物质。

The Dictionary of Soldier Talk says GI was used for the words galvanized iron in a publication about the vehicles of the early twentieth century. 士兵常用语字典称,在20世纪早期一份刊物中GI被称为是白铁皮。

Today, a doughboy or GI may be called a grunt. 今天,doughboy或GI指士兵。

Nobody is sure of the exact beginning of the word. 没人清楚的知道这个词到底是何时开始使用的。

But, the best idea probably is that the name comes from the sound that troops make when ordered to march long distances carrying heavy equipment. 但是,最合理的解释是,这个词来自部队在负重长途行军过程中发出的声音。