Benin, Ghana and Ivory Coast have thousands of current cases of Buruli ulcer disease. 贝宁, 加纳,象牙海岸现在就有成百上千的 布鲁里溃疡病例。
Health officials believe other countries in West Africa have unreported cases. 健康组织官员相信在许多其他西非国家还有很多没有被报道的布鲁里溃疡病例。
Scientists are not sure how Buruli ulcer disease spreads or even how it develops in nature. 科学家现在还不能确定 布鲁里溃疡病是怎么传播的,甚至它是这样自然发展的。
They suspect it may involve mosquitoes or other organisms that live in water. 他们怀疑那是生活在水中的蚊子或其他生物造成的。
A British doctor reported the first cases of what was probably Buruli ulcer in eighteen ninety-seven in Uganda.一位英国医生于 1897 在 乌干达发现了第一例疑是 布鲁里溃疡病的病例。
Sir Albert Cook of the Church Missionary Society described the condition in patients at his Mengo Hospital in Kampala. 来自教会传教协会的 Albert Cook 先生描述了一些病人的症状,这些病人是他在 坎帕拉的 Mengo 医院里的。