Plagiarism is the act of representing another person's words or ideas as your own. 剽窃是一种把他人的言语或想法占为己有的做法。
The offense may be as small as a sentence copied from a book. 这种冒犯行为可能小到从书本中抄袭一个句子。
Or it may be as extensive as a whole paper copied -- or bought -- from somebody else. 或者就是大规模地复制整篇论文,还有就是从别人那里花钱买过来。
Intellectual dishonesty is nothing new. 知识造假已经不是什么新鲜事了。
The only difference now is that the Internet has made it much simpler to steal other people's work. 现在唯一的区别就是英特网使得窃取他人成果变得更加易如反掌了。
Yet the same technology that makes it easy to find information to copy also makes it easier to identify plagiarism. 还有同样高超的技术使得人们很容易找到需要剽窃的信息,但同时也使识别剽窃变得容易许多了。