第 200 课:松散团体-2

Others say the activists are independent thinkers who will oppose any politician they see as supporting big government and big spending. 另一些人认为,其活动者是独立见解人士,会反对在他们看来是支持大政府和大支出的所有政客。

Tea Party activists see themselves as modern-day versions of the anti-tax protesters from before the American Revolution. 倾茶党人士称自己是当代的(源自美国独立战争之前)抗税示威者。

The Boston Tea Party was a protest of British taxation of tea. 波士顿倾茶党源自对英国茶叶税的抗议事件。

One night in seventeen seventy-three, a group of colonists went onto three ships in Boston Harbor. 1773 年的一个夜晚,一伙被殖民者登上了三艘停在波士顿海港的货船。

They threw tons of tea into the water. 他们将数吨的茶叶倾入水中。